Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Lowdown on Keto

At some point in just about everybody’s life, some level of dieting becomes a necessity. Whether you find that your health and weight have begun to slip or you simply want to bring yourself to your optimum level, what you put into your body plays a major roll. No amount of exercise is going to get you there if you don’t have a diet to match.

With so many dieting trends out there, the search for the right plan can be a daunting task. How are you supposed to know which one is right for you?

For most people, the main reason they start a diet in the first place is to burn off unwanted fat. While there are a variety of other health reasons to maintain a particular diet, the desire for weight loss can be quite a motivator.

This is where the Ketogenic diet really shines.

Put simply, a Ketogenic diet is designed to put your body into a state of Ketosis, where it begins to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs. Sounds great right? To properly follow this type of diet, you need to eat large amounts of fat, plenty of protein and a very low amount of carbohydrates. Now, this is where the Keto diet begins to sound a bit counterproductive to some people. How could a diet that is high in fat cause you to burn fat?

Like most diets, the Keto diet relies heavily on the restriction of caloric intake. Controlling the amount of calories that you’re ingesting is the basic principle behind any weight loss program.

What makes the Ketogenic diet more successful than most is its ability to control hunger and food cravings?

A lot of people find themselves constantly battling their self-control when dieting. Because of the constant cravings they face, dieting becomes a cycle of temporary healthy living followed by binging on junk food to make up for those missed comforts. The low success rate of these diets can be extremely discouraging and usually causes people to feel that diets don’t make much of a difference.
The real key to the Keto diet is the low carbohydrate consumption. When we eat carbs, it causes our blood-sugar and insulin levels to rise rapidly. The insulin disperses the excess blood sugar, which causes you to feel hungry. This is why people that follow a diet that focuses solely on counting calories often fail. Feeling like you’re starving yourself can leave you unhappy and struggling to maintain control.

By greatly limiting your carbohydrate intake, the Keto diet keeps blood-sugar levels low and much more stable, helping you to avoid feeling hungry all the time.

The reduction in insulin levels is also necessary since insulin causes our bodies to store fat instead of burning it. So it turns out all those calorie counting diets weren’t so effective after all.
The best part about following a Keto diet is just how satisfying it can be. No more eating tiny, non-filling meals better fit for a rodent. Since the majority of your daily calories will come from fats and protein, you’ll find that the meals can be quite filling. Not only that, foods that are high in fats and proteins are almost always delicious.

Try this on for size: 

Bacon and Ricotta Pancakes. 
If you’re anything like me, I had you at bacon.
Now that you’re on board with the Keto diet, there are a few things you should know about how to move forward.

Getting started with a Keto diet can be a little tricky. In general, you want to keep yourself limited to less than 50 grams of carbs each day. When starting out, it’s typically recommended that you limit yourself to 20 grams per day in order to successfully force your body into Ketosis. Being strict with yourself in the beginning will also make your diet much easier to follow later on.

Another thing that can be incredibly helpful in the beginning are test strips that determine the Ketone levels in your urine. The results registered on the strips will tell you if your body has entered Ketosis and how much fat your body is using. It can be helpful to regularly test your Ketone levels because it lets you know that you’re following the diet properly. The strips are also great motivators to keep pushing you along your path toward a healthier lifestyle.

This type of diet can take some adjustment to get it just right. Every individual is different so it may take a bit of trial and error to determine how many carbohydrates you can consume each day and the types of meals that are working for you.

However, once you get the specifics ironed out, you’ll be sailing smoothly toward a much healthier and more satisfying lifestyle.

Source: www.themancancook.com

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS

Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS

NEW! Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS
Very rarely does a new product come along that is truly revolutionary and has the ability to make a measurable and instant impact on your health, mental clarity, energy and more. That product has arrived, and I am SO excited to share it with you!
About five weeks ago, I partnered with a company called Pruvit. Together, we are very excited to announce the debut of a new product called Keto-OS. Keto-OS is an exogenous ketone (beta-hydroxybutyrate salts) supplement. Basically, this is a highly nutritional drink mix that instantly increases your ketones and induces a state of ketosis within the body.
Five weeks ago, I started drinking these therapeutic ketones. Hands down, this is the most effective and fastest acting supplement I have EVER put in my body. As most of you know,I have suffered with chronic shoulder inflammation, with some days being worse than others. Within a couple of days of taking these my pain is gone, and I can now bench press my body weight, because my shoulder pain does not hold me back from making gains in the weight room. Since taking these, my pain level keeps going down, my energy level is up (no 3pm crash) and my cravings for sweets is basically nonexistent. However, this product is NOT just helpful inflammation.
Third-party research has shown that being in the ketogenic zone can help provide relief from just about any chronic disease, including leaky guy, MS, Parkinson’s, cognitive issues, and muscle and joint pain.
Basically, this is what you can expect when you start taking Keto-OS:
Fast and sustained energy
Reduced brain fog
Increased brainpower
Increased focus
Weight loss
Appetite suppression
Strength gain
Better mood
Less inflammation/stiffness and joint pain
Better digestion and gut health
Clear skin
Pretty much everyone will experience improved health on this product. As you know, I would never promote a product that I don’t 100% believe in myself. I am very excited about sharing Keto-OS, and know that it can help many people find the health they dream of having.
At this time, Keto-OS is in VIP mode and only limited number of people are being invited to join. I want you to be one of those people!! 
If you want a chance to start feeling better asap, send me an email letting me know that you want in on this opportunity today! info@fitnstrong.net
I truly believe that Keto-OS is going to take the health and wellness industry by storm. Come join me as one of the first people to experience the benefits.
~Coach Steph
ps — For those of you research junkies (like me), here are some articles on the benefits of having ketones in the body….
High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Metabolic Disorders:http://authoritynutrition.com/10-benefits-of-low-carb-ketogenic-diets/

Monday, July 13, 2015

Metabolism: What It Is & How It Works

Everyone knows what metabolism is right?

There is an overwhelming amount of information floating around the web on metabolism, how it impacts weight loss and how you can improve yours. However, once you start reading, you realize that finding anything useful is more difficult than you imagined it would be. You have to wade through all the websites that only want to sell you something and the scientific information that, let’s face it, can sometimes be pretty tricky to understand.

The truth is that the word metabolism is thrown around a lot in the health and fitness world but most average Joes don’t have a clear understanding of what it is or how it works.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the culmination of physical and chemical processes that take place inside your body that keep you alive. It is how living cells are able to turn food into usable energy in order to perform all of the involuntary actions happening inside you right now.

Metabolism is measured by what is known as your metabolic rate. This is a measurement of the speed at which your body can burn calories and convert them into energy needed to complete basic functions such as breathing and growing.

How Does It Work?

Just like a car needs gas to run, your body needs fuel to survive. In basic terms, when you eat food your body digests it, breaking it down into fuel and waste. You discharge the unusable waste and convert the fuel into usable energy.

A large percentage of the calories that you ingest are used for automatic body functions that keep you alive. Some calories are burned during physical activity and anything left over is stored as fat.

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your metabolism. Those hormones are chemicals that send signals to your body dictating the rate at which to process the fuel that it has consumed and precisely what to do with the energy it provides. For that reason if your thyroid creates too much or too little of these necessary hormones it can cause you to burn calories at a faster or slower rate than normal.

What Factors Influence Your Metabolic Rate?

There are numerous contributing factors that impact the rate at which your particular body burns calories. Some of these things you can influence through your lifestyle choices and others are out of your hands.


Not everyone is created equally. Some people have a naturally high metabolism and no matter what they eat they never seem to gain a pound. In some cases this can be a result of an over production of hormones by the thyroid gland referred to as hyperthyroidism. On the other side of the coin, some individuals suffer from hypothyroidism creating less than the average amount of hormones. This can slow your metabolic rate causing you to burn calories slower and making it difficult to lose weight.


In general, your metabolism begins to slow down in your twenties and continues to progressively drop by a few percent every ten years. This means that it is typically more and more difficult to lose weight as you get older.


You can improve your metabolism by choosing to eat a balanced diet that is high in protein. It takes more energy for your body to process proteins therefore eating foods with a high protein concentration can raise your metabolism.

Some dietary components like caffeine and spicy foods can temporally boost your metabolism when ingested. This is why many diet pills on the market that claim to guarantee dramatic weight loss contain a high volume of caffeine.

Don’t overdo the dieting. Eating too little or waiting too long between meals can actually negatively affect your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Evidence suggests that consuming less than 1,200 calories per day can slow your metabolic rate and cause unwanted fat storage.


Physical activity or the lack thereof can greatly influence your metabolism. Individuals that exercise on a regular basis often have a lower body fat percentage and higher muscle volume than those who don’t. This is beneficial because in general, more muscle and less body fat equals higher metabolism. For that same reason men tend to have a faster metabolic rate than women because women typically have a higher body fat percentage.

There are several supplements available that claim to improve your metabolism and help you lose weight fast. While some of these products may produce results, they’re not typically the best option. While there are some factors you can’t control, the best way to keep your metabolic rate up is with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Source: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at Freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mediocracy is Not on the Agenda...How Does Your Trainer Train?

How does your Trainer train???  You really want to know.....here is a glimpse 

Simple – sacrifice and consistency, mediocracy is not on the agenda

On a daily basis I consistently sacrifice, because my health, strength, and mobility are ultimately more important to me than the other fluff with which people seem to fill their lives. I’m not saying that other people are wrong (I am really), but I know which I would rather be doing.

I don’t go out in the week for drinks or dinner. Not because I don’t want to, but because my evenings are full with family, food preparation, work preparation, and getting to bed at a reasonable time to have adequate sleep and recovery. This allows my body and mind to recharge, regroup and gets me ready for the day ahead and whatever it may entail.

I sacrifice the junk food, deep fried foods, sweets, and processed crap. Not because I don’t like it (I love it), but because I love myself, my body, and my physical and mental health more. I love the confidence and energy that looking and feeling good gives me. Average is shit, and it’s great to be better than the average.

I don’t miss training sessions. If something comes up and plans change, then the session gets rearranged, caught up, scaled down. It never gets cancelled!! Looking after your body isn’t a quick fix or an appointment, it’s a lifestyle. I never EVER miss the appointment.  Until people realize this, they will continue to miss the mark and fail to live up to their potential.

I disassociate myself from negative people and bad influences. I surround myself with positivity, healthy choices, and strong emotional and professional support structures. I engross myself in environments and situations that will challenge and further me. That is how I grow, gain strength, and continue to learn and make positive steps forward in my life.

The spare money or residual income I have gets reinvested into my family, business, education, or my training. I don’t buy gadgets, or purchase anything that won’t enhance my life or help me progress. Some will see this as strange or say I’m not enjoying life, but trust me I am. 

I haven’t talked about specific strength training, gym programs, or nutrition, and I don’t need to. They are the tiny cogs that form part of a much bigger machine. It’s the big things that count. When you get the big things right, the small things fall into place and you can’t help but progress and make gains in everything you do.

I can picture some people reading this and thinking that I’m denying myself the pleasures they have. I’m not denying myself. I choose not to participate in some things, as I want something more, something greater.

Some will think I’m being big headed and making myself out to be better than everyone else. I’m not; I’m just telling it as it is and sharing what I do. If you feel that way, then there’s probably some guilt at the way you lead your life.

Others will think I’m obsessive over the way I live my life and the choices I make. To those, all I would say is, “Obsessive is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.”

Sunday, June 7, 2015

How to Stop Emotional Eating & Get Healthy

It can be nearly impossible to achieve your health and fitness goals if you are overwhelmed by stress and other negative emotions. Millions of people, especially women fill their lives to the tipping point with obligations to family, friends, careers and more. When you spend all of your time focusing on the needs of others it’s easy to find yourself without enough time or energy to properly take care of yourself.

It doesn’t happen overnight but little by little responsibilities can pile up until you’re juggling so many balls that you fail to notice that diet and exercise have become much less of a priority. A few pounds here and there can add up quickly before you finally realize that the emotional toll of everyday life is has manifested into a physical problem.

If you are like many Americans, you may turn to food for comfort or distraction from stress or other destructive emotions. This can easily turn into a vicious cycle of overeating followed by fasting out of guilt for doing so.

If you struggle with emotional eating and want to get back on track toward living a healthier lifestyle you can start by asking yourself one important question each time you turn to food.

Are you really hungry?

You may have to retrain your brain in order to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. In order to do this you have to recognize the difference between impulse eating and eating for nutrition. Each time you reach for a snack, try to make a habit of taking a moment to notice when and why you are eating. Backtrack through your day and try to identify any emotional triggers that you may be mistaking for hunger.

Everyone has a different emotional response when it comes to stress, anger or sadness and you may not even realize what is triggering you to overeat. Consider what is happening and how you are feeling when you turn to food. You may be responding to stress, trying to fill a void or looking for comfort in some small form of momentary satisfaction. Listen to your body and take note of your physical and emotional state.

Identify and consider your feelings but don’t go too far and over analyze each moment to your life. The idea here is to become more in tune with yourself and not to be overly critical of every move you make. Maybe you had a hard day at work or you’re consumed with family drama. Make an effort to actually feel your emotions and process them rather than trying to distract yourself with food. You may come to realize that what you were feeling was not hunger after all. Once you’re able to see the patterns and triggers that are leading you to over eat you can learn to make the necessary changes to avoid following the same path in the future.

Tips to help you stay on track

Reduce Stress
Less stress equals less emotional eating. Negative emotions can take both a mental and physical toll. Not only can stress trigger overeating but it can also cause fatigue and exhaustion. If you can eliminate unnecessary negativity in your life you are more likely to stick to your diet and have the energy to exercise on a regular basis.

Be Realistic
Make a plan and set goals that are conducive to your lifestyle and within your reach. If you set yourself up for failure with unreasonable expectations you may become quickly discouraged. Start by committing to a regular exercise schedule or losing that first 5 pounds and keep track of your progress. Achieving small milestones can help you to stay motivate to get healthy.

Don’t Starve Yourself
Cutting calories and eating better in no way means that you should go hungry all the time. Too few calories or not eating all together can actually lower your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. If you really are hungry go for more healthy options and practice portion control to avoid overeating.

By addressing your emotions and reducing your stress level you can uncover and alleviate deeper issues that may be sabotaging your attempts to live a healthier lifestyle. It can be very difficult to be consistent with your diet and exercise if you are constantly overwhelmed with negative emotions. By discovering why you’re overeating in the first place and building a more healthy relationship with food you will be better equipped to start getting in shape and losing that unwanted weight.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Monday, May 18, 2015

5 Rules Fit People Follow

That friend you know that is the same size they were in college or that coworker that makes you jealous at the beach doesn’t stay fit by magic. The majority of people that are able to stay in great shape follow a few basic rules to keep them on the right track.

No Excuses

If you really want to get in shape and be satisfied with what you see every time you look in the mirror then you have to be real with yourself. It’s time to stop with the excuses. Most people are guilty of making a New Year’s resolution they don’t keep, putting off the gym until next week, saying they will start their diet after the holidays or that they’re just too busy to make time for working out. The list of excuses can go on and on but the longer you wait the further you get from the person you want to be.

If you want to be in better shape, get healthy or lose some unwanted weight, you have to make the decision that you are going to do it. Don’t let the lazy person inside your head let you sit on the couch watching Netflix and eating ice cream one more night. You can accomplish your fitness goals if you just make a commitment and start putting in work today.

Set Goals

Having goals really does work. Give yourself a milestone to reach for and a deadline to get there. Maybe it’s losing 10 pounds by your birthday, getting fit before swimsuit season or training for that marathon you always wanted to run. Having something to aim for can help to keep you motivated.

Mark the date on the calendar and check up on yourself each week to track your success. As you start to see some progress it will give you more drive and confidence to accomplish what you set out to achieve.

Prep for Success

Healthy eating and regular exercise doesn’t happen by accident so set yourself up for success.

Working out alone isn’t enough to produce noticeable results in your body. If you are over eating or simply not eating right then it’s almost imposable to lose weight. Make it easier on yourself and keep healthy food choices on hand at home, work and even in your car. It can be hard to resist temptation when you are busy or hungry and you are far more likely to choose something good for you if it’s readily available.

The same concept can be applied to your workout regimen. Sometimes it can be hard to roll out of bed early to go to the gym or convince yourself to exercise after working all day. You can make some smart choices and do some simple preparation to help yourself stay on track. Start with a good night sleep or by having your workout cloths ready and laid out for the morning. A little preparation can go a long way toward helping you meet your goals.

Stick With It

If you want to get in shape and stay there then it’s important to be consistent. You can’t lose weight by eating salad all week and binging on the weekend or working out 5 days a week and then taking a month off. The people you envy at the gym that have the body you would love to have don’t look that way without sticking to their diet and exercise routine. If you want to get into peak physical condition and be healthier overall then you have to make good lifestyle choices each and every day.

It can be hard sometimes to go out for that run when it’s raining and you’re still sore from the day before or to stick with your yogurt when a coworker brings in homemade cookies for everyone in the office, but stay strong. You don’t want to undo all of your hard work for one brief moment of satisfaction.

Keep Pushing

If you want to be in great shape then don’t settle at your first goal or stop when you reach a plateau. You can be that person at the gym that the newbies are looking at with envy if you keep pushing yourself. If the mile you starting out running is a breeze now then make it two or if you lost the first 10 pounds you wanted to get rid of go for five more if that is a healthy goal for you. Being fit isn’t supposed to be easy. You have to work at it and keep pushing to get results.

Nobody ever said staying fit was easy. And if they did, they were lying. With a little hard work and dedication, you’ll be looking in the mirror at your ideal self in no time. Just remember to stay motivated, stay motivated and stay focused. The body you’re working for is right behind you.

Image courtesy of marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Monday, May 11, 2015

8 Foods to Boost Your Daily Water Intake

We’ve all heard the old saying, “drink 8 glasses of water every day for better health”. Water is an essential part of staying healthy. It keeps our internal organs healthy and our skin looking young. While this advice has been around for years, most people still find it hard to get enough water in their diet.

It may not seem like a difficult concept but sometimes it’s just hard to remember or keep track of. With jobs, kids and a variety of other obligations, it can be difficult to find time to drink those 8-ounce glasses every day. If you’re like most of us, you’ll be happy to know that there is still hope for you. What if I told you that you can get some of that water from the food you eat? Well it’s true and here’s how you do it.

Water: 91.5%

This one is pretty much a given. After all, it has the word right in the name. Other than its water content, this delicious fruit is also high in the powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant Lycopene, which has also been shown to help prevent heart disease. Watermelon is a summer staple that makes it a perfect snack on its own or as an addition to a fruit salad. You can even freeze cubed watermelon pieces for a sweet ice substitute in a glass of water.

Water: 96.7%

Cucumbers are a delicious and healthy vegetable that are perfect for those hot summer days. They can be eaten by themselves fresh from the garden or added to a sandwich or salad. Some people prefer to sprinkle a little salt on their cucumbers. Small amounts of salt can actually help your body hydrate itself. Just be careful not to use too much since large amounts of salt can cause an unhealthy level of water retention.

Iceberg Lettuce
Water: 95.6%
Iceberg lettuce tends to get a bad reputation when it comes to nutrition. Many people tend to opt for darker varieties since they have higher levels of fiber and various nutrients. When you’re trying to increase your water intake however, iceberg is the king of lettuce. Its high water content makes it a perfect crunchy addition to any salad or wrap.

Water: 91.4%

If you’re looking for a more nutritious substitute for Iceberg lettuce, you’ve found it with spinach. While its water content may not be quite as high, it makes up for it with its high levels of fiber, potassium and free radical fighting antioxidants. You can replace lettuce entirely or even better, combine the two for a nutritious water-rich powerhouse.

Bell Peppers
Water: 93.9%

Peppers are a great tasting snack that is not only full of water but powerful antioxidants as well. While all varieties of bell peppers contain a high amount of water, green peppers lead the pack. Peppers make a flavorful snack on their own or a great addition to any sandwich or salad.

Water: 95.4%

You’ve probably heard the old saying about celery having “negative calories”. While this isn’t exactly true, each stalk does come in at only 6 calories. Add that to its high fiber content and vitamins C, A and K, celery is an excellent vegetable for additional water intake. Top those stalks with some peanut butter for a tasty snack that is not only high in water content but a healthy way to curb your appetite.

Water: 94.5%

Tomatoes are great for getting some extra water because they come in so many varieties and can be eaten in so many ways. While tomatoes can be sliced or chopped for a juicy addition to a salad, smaller varieties like cherry tomatoes are delicious on their own. They make a perfect bite-sized snack any time of the day.

Water: 91%

There’s no denying that strawberries are delicious. If you’ve ever eaten a strawberry straight from the garden on a warm summer day, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The juicy explosion of flavor makes strawberries an irresistible snack that is both hydrating and healthy. Their high levels of carbohydrates and protein make them a refreshing snack to get rehydrated after a tough workout. Eat them by themselves or as a tasty addition to yogurt or a smoothie.

By no means should you use these foods as an excuse to stop drinking water entirely. You should still try to drink a good amount of water throughout the day, especially on those hot summer days. It would be pretty difficult to get all of the water you need through food alone. As a good rule of thumb, you should drink half your body weight in water per day. Simply take your body weight, divide by two and that is the number of ounces you need to drink, and that is only the minimum so stay healthy with your water.

Image courtesy of Somchai Som at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Exercise Can’t Overcome a Poor Diet

It’s an all too common misconception that you can lose weight and stay healthy just by exercising regularly. The reality is that exercise alone is not enough to overcome a poor diet.

The Myth

Many Americans believe that if you exercise on a regular basis you can eat whatever you want and still remain healthy. This myth has been developed over decades of thinking that being inactive results in obesity. In recent years, evidence has come to light suggesting that this isn’t the whole truth.

We commonly associate obesity with lack of exercise, but studies now show that inactivity is more of a side effect of obesity than a cause. This means that the majority of people don’t become overweight solely because of not exercising. In fact, it’s more common that people stop being active because they are overweight.

That may sound like a catch-22 but research shows that a healthy diet has more to do with your general health and ability to maintain a healthy weight than exercise does.
To be clear, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exercise. Regular exercise results in numerous health benefits such as improved cardiovascular health. The message you should take away from this research is that we need to relearn what we think we know about being healthy.

Sugar Overload

In order to be healthy and lose weight more effectively, you need to cut down on your intake of sugar and carbohydrates. When it comes to healthy eating, there is a list of excuses a mile long for why it is too hard or too expensive. If you’re interested in living a long and healthy life, you need to stop procrastinating and start making better decisions about what you put into your body.

In this fast paced world full of fast food, the average person eats far more than the recommended daily value of calories. If, like many Americans, you visit the occasional drive through for a quick and easy meal on your lunch break you may be consuming your daily caloric intake in one sitting. A chocolate chip frappe from McDonalds boasts a whopping 66 grams of sugar and 520 calories. Add a steak and cheese bagel to that and you get another 670 calories and 35 grams of fat.

Why You Can’t Lose Weight with Exercise Alone

According to traditional thinking all you need to do to lose weight is burn more calories than you consume. That may sound simple in theory, but in real life, it’s much more difficult than you may think.

Many people really believe that they don’t have to worry about counting calories because they exercise every day; this is simply not the case. Exercise is in no way a free pass to eat anything you want. If you want to burn off that fast food cheeseburger you had for lunch you’re going to have to work out for over an hour. If you are making unhealthy food choices all day, the logistics just don’t add up. No amount of exercise can overcome the damage done be a poor diet.

How to Be Healthy and Lose Weight

If your goal is to lose weight and improve your overall health, then you need to eat a balanced diet in conjunction with your workout routine. Reducing your intake of foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates is just as important as pulling yourself up off the couch.
The key is to set yourself up for success. Keeping healthy and nutritious foods on hand can help you resist the temptation you face when you go to the store hungry. Taking a little time out of your weekend to prep meals for the coming week can make it easier to say no to fast food on your lunch break.

Initially it will take a little will power to drop the sweets in favor of a healthy diet but each time you choose an apple over a candy bar or bag of chips makes the next time that much easier. If you want to reap the rewards of all your hard work at the gym the best way to shed those unwanted pounds is to start with the right diet.

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to Achieve Your Nutrition Goals

How to Achieve Your Nutrition Goals

With summer around the corner, the thought of bathing suits has a lot of people scrambling to get in shape. The great news is that it’s a lot easier than you might think to develop great habits that will keep you healthy this summer and many more to come.

One of the biggest obstacles we all face when trying to stay healthy are the bad habits we develop. With all the major decisions we have to make each day about our jobs and family, we often allow ourselves to function on autopilot when it comes to the more mundane aspects of our lives, such as eating and exercise.

Luckily there are some simple steps you can take that will make your life easier and allow you to focus on those important tasks at hand.

1. Pre-cut your vegetables

We all know how important fruits and vegetables are to our health. The problem is that they can be so time consuming to prepare. While a healthy salad might sound like a good idea for lunch, the time it takes to cut up all those veggies often drives us to faster, less healthy options.

By chopping up your vegetables ahead of time, you’ll be much more likely to make that healthy snack. One option to make this easier is to cut up all of your veggies the day you buy them and store them in containers. That way when you are hungry, you can just reach into the refrigerator and throw together a healthy meal with very little effort. You can do this for sandwiches, salads and all sorts of other quick and easy meals.

2. Bring out the fruits and vegetables

Let’s face it, a lot of us are grazers. While we may have the best intensions of eating healthy, it’s easy to fill up on small, fattening snacks throughout the day. Grazing all day may seem harmless, but it adds up quickly and becomes an unhealthy habit.

You can turn that bad habit into a good one by leaving fruits and vegetables out in visible places around your house. Even if you’re busy running in 100 different directions, you’ll be more likely to grab a handful of grapes, strawberries or carrots when you see them. These small snacks will satisfy your appetite while filling you up with healthy produce rather than junk food.

3. Have a back-up

We all know that a home cooked meal can be much healthier than take-out or processed foods. Cooking allows you to control what goes into your food and monitor your intake. The problem is that every extra step adds more work and takes more time out of your already busy day. To stay on track, you want to make things as easy as possible.

One way you can do that is to have a back-up of all of your favorite kitchen tools easily accessible in your kitchen. That way, if one of them is dirty you don’t have to take time to clean it before starting dinner. You just use your back-up and throw the dirty one in the dishwasher.

A must have back-up tool is a crock pot. Just throw in a bunch of healthy foods and walk away. What’s easier than that?

4. Keep your table clutter-free

Sure, we all find ourselves eating in front of the TV once in a while. After a long day at work, sometimes you just want to relax and watch your favorite shows. The problem is that it can quickly become a habit. Eating in front of the TV can cause you to become unaware of how much food you’re consuming, which definitely isn’t healthy.

By keeping your table free of clutter, you’ll always have a designated place to eat that you don’t have to take the time to clear beforehand. You’ll be more mindful of what you’re eating and it requires no additional effort on your part.

Besides, you’ll be allowing yourself to enjoy time with family and friends instead of tuning out in front of the television.

5. Arrange your kitchen for success

Sometimes you have to trick yourself a little to achieve your goals. This last tip is something that grocery stores have put a lot of research into. They’ve found that when premium items are placed at eye level and are easiest to reach, customers are more likely to buy them.
You can use this same trick in your kitchen. Place items you use most for healthy cooking in locations that are easy to access. That way you’ll be more likely to grab them. You can do the same thing with healthy snacks like bananas and apples. This trick may take a little effort initially, but once your kitchen is organized to work with you instead of against you your life becomes a whole lot easier.

Healthy living can take a lot of effort and willpower, especially if it’s not something you’re used to. Luckily by making these five small changes to your routine, you’ll make achieving your goals much easier. Over time, these tips will become habits and your healthy self will be relaxing in the sun instead of scrambling to get in shape.

Image courtesy of niamwhan at freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


 Great article written by my good friend, Lucho Crisalle

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, making up 60 percent of the amino acids in skeletal muscle. It is a true super nutrient! It increases growth hormone levels, encourages lean body mass, and promotes muscle growth. It supports brain function, immunity and intestinal cells. Athletes and bodybuilders choose Glutamine as it helps buffer lactic acid, which tires muscles and reduces performance. Those training for endurance sports often take Glutamine to reduce cramps caused through repetitive motion. Plus, glutamine actually helps you store muscle glycogen, the primary fuel source for intense exercise.  
And since this amino acid has a mildly sweet taste, and is readily absorbed from the intestinal tract, supplementation is easy and pleasant.
In a nutshell, the primary benefits of L-Glutamine have been found to be: 
  • prevention of muscle break down and support in fat loss (from increased muscle as well as increased production of human growth hormone) 
  • support of enterocytes (intestinal lining cells) through which all nutrients are absorbed
  • improved or increased immune system
  • clarity of thought and better muscle contractions as it is the amino acid found in highest concentration in spinal and cerebral fluid. 
So, what is L-Glutamine?
L-Glutamine is the most abundant “free” amino acid in the body, but it is considered a “non-essential amino acid” since it can be synthesized (made) in the body from glutamate. However, scientists have classified glutamine as a “conditionally essential” amino acid, because under certain conditions (such as severe stress), glutamine may be needed in much higher amounts.  Additionally, glutamine has been found in higher concentrations than other amino acids in vital tissues including the brain, intestinal mucosa cells, immune cells, and in skeletal and smooth muscle.
Technically, Glutamine acts as a nitrogen shuttle by picking up and dropping off nitrogen around the body.  Nitrogen is an essential component of DNA (the genetic material of life) and vital for muscle building. Glutamine also converts to alpha-ketoglutarate, an essential nutrient to create energy via the Krebs cycle.  
Safety & Side Effects 
More and more research continues to show significant results with the supplementation of L-Glutamine without negative side effects even up to 60g per day for the ultra-intense training athlete.
Recommended Dosing
L-Glutamine is recommended for intense training athletes, those subject to immune toxins or weak immune systems, and post surgery and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients.  Normal dosing ranges from 2g per day up to 60g per day. Optimal dosing is 5-10g per day in divided doses.  This is a perfect supplement for flu and cold season as well as year round.  
For increased GH release, take 10g L-Glutamine upon waking on an empty stomach, as well as before bed. It is also highly recommended to be taken pre and post workout.
With all the benefits glutamine offers, and available at a more than reasonable price, it only makes sense to make this one of your primary supplements.
Now you can build up your immune system and enhance your physical performance, all in one super supplement!
Glutamine and Skeletal Muscle
In muscle, the concentration of free glutamine appears to influence whether muscle will break down (low glutamine content) or build (high glutamine content). Athletes suffering from continuous fatigue have shown to have decreased blood glutamine concentrations that persist for extended periods of time. These decreased concentrations may hinder immune health and lead to slower recovery times following exercise and physical stress. Subjects supplementing with oral glutamine show elevated plasma concentrations of both glutamine and growth hormone, suggesting glutamine’s potential benefit in terms of body composition.
Additional Benefits of L-Glutamine
Glutamine is also a major contributor to proper functioning of the intestines. By serving as an energy source for these highly active cells, many studies have demonstrated the critical role of glutamine as the predominant fuel for intestinal epithelium and its vital action in maintaining intestinal structure and function in stress-related situations.
Patients recovering from strenuous physical activity have an increased demand for glutamine. This is probably the result of increased use by the immune system and the decreased integrity of the traumatized tissue. Following stressful physical demand, amino acids become vital for the healing process. Glutamine has proven to be essential during this time because the demand may exceed that which can be obtained from muscle stores.  A study at the Geisinger Medical Center noted that increased muscle breakdown following extreme physical activity was in part due to glutamine deficiency. From their observations the researchers concluded that glutamine supplementation will prevent muscle breakdown and enhance the healing process. Lastly, there is evidence showing glutamine to be helpful for alcohol addiction. In an early study, alcohol consumption was curbed slightly when 1,000mg of glutamine was administered orally.
Support for Immune Health
It is well understood that immune health is dependent on macrophages and lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells). Glutamine levels are very high in white blood cells, and in experimental cell cultures, lymphocytes were less efficient when glutamine was reduced. When glutamine was added to the culture medium, lymphocyte reproduction significantly rebounded to a normal rate. A further study showed that lowered glutamine concentrations reduced adequate immune health underscoring the importance of supplementation for individuals whose immune status is stressed by heavy physical activity. 
Support for Neurological Health
Because glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids in cerebrospinal fluid, it readily enters the brain where it can serve as a precursor to the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA and serotonin are vital neurotransmitters with various functions including enhanced sense of well being and calmness. In one study performed at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, researchers showed that glutamine supplementation helped to maintain amino-acid concentration in brain tissue, increased the uptake of tryptophan and enhanced synthesis of serotonin.
© 2012 Lucho Crisalle, CEO, Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc.