Monday, May 18, 2015

5 Rules Fit People Follow

That friend you know that is the same size they were in college or that coworker that makes you jealous at the beach doesn’t stay fit by magic. The majority of people that are able to stay in great shape follow a few basic rules to keep them on the right track.

No Excuses

If you really want to get in shape and be satisfied with what you see every time you look in the mirror then you have to be real with yourself. It’s time to stop with the excuses. Most people are guilty of making a New Year’s resolution they don’t keep, putting off the gym until next week, saying they will start their diet after the holidays or that they’re just too busy to make time for working out. The list of excuses can go on and on but the longer you wait the further you get from the person you want to be.

If you want to be in better shape, get healthy or lose some unwanted weight, you have to make the decision that you are going to do it. Don’t let the lazy person inside your head let you sit on the couch watching Netflix and eating ice cream one more night. You can accomplish your fitness goals if you just make a commitment and start putting in work today.

Set Goals

Having goals really does work. Give yourself a milestone to reach for and a deadline to get there. Maybe it’s losing 10 pounds by your birthday, getting fit before swimsuit season or training for that marathon you always wanted to run. Having something to aim for can help to keep you motivated.

Mark the date on the calendar and check up on yourself each week to track your success. As you start to see some progress it will give you more drive and confidence to accomplish what you set out to achieve.

Prep for Success

Healthy eating and regular exercise doesn’t happen by accident so set yourself up for success.

Working out alone isn’t enough to produce noticeable results in your body. If you are over eating or simply not eating right then it’s almost imposable to lose weight. Make it easier on yourself and keep healthy food choices on hand at home, work and even in your car. It can be hard to resist temptation when you are busy or hungry and you are far more likely to choose something good for you if it’s readily available.

The same concept can be applied to your workout regimen. Sometimes it can be hard to roll out of bed early to go to the gym or convince yourself to exercise after working all day. You can make some smart choices and do some simple preparation to help yourself stay on track. Start with a good night sleep or by having your workout cloths ready and laid out for the morning. A little preparation can go a long way toward helping you meet your goals.

Stick With It

If you want to get in shape and stay there then it’s important to be consistent. You can’t lose weight by eating salad all week and binging on the weekend or working out 5 days a week and then taking a month off. The people you envy at the gym that have the body you would love to have don’t look that way without sticking to their diet and exercise routine. If you want to get into peak physical condition and be healthier overall then you have to make good lifestyle choices each and every day.

It can be hard sometimes to go out for that run when it’s raining and you’re still sore from the day before or to stick with your yogurt when a coworker brings in homemade cookies for everyone in the office, but stay strong. You don’t want to undo all of your hard work for one brief moment of satisfaction.

Keep Pushing

If you want to be in great shape then don’t settle at your first goal or stop when you reach a plateau. You can be that person at the gym that the newbies are looking at with envy if you keep pushing yourself. If the mile you starting out running is a breeze now then make it two or if you lost the first 10 pounds you wanted to get rid of go for five more if that is a healthy goal for you. Being fit isn’t supposed to be easy. You have to work at it and keep pushing to get results.

Nobody ever said staying fit was easy. And if they did, they were lying. With a little hard work and dedication, you’ll be looking in the mirror at your ideal self in no time. Just remember to stay motivated, stay motivated and stay focused. The body you’re working for is right behind you.

Image courtesy of marin at

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