Friday, April 4, 2014

Red Bell Peppers Anyone?

Red bell peppers provides 140% of your RDA of vitamins A and C.  It’s also a good source of vitamins B6 and E. Talk about a powerful vitamin punch!  Another little plus, one red bell pepper has a whopping 30 calories.  Can you believe that’s all?stuffed peppers
This mighty super veggie has immune boost qualities, antioxidants, and helps to keep your skin soft, supple and youthful.  Let’s not forget that this awesome vegetable helps to lower bad cholesterol, manages diabetes, and can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Want more interesting red pepper facts?  It has a great tangy, yet sweet flavor that mixes well with salsas, dips, salads, omelets, stir-fry dishes, etc.  In fact, if you cook your red peppers on low heat for a short amount of time, it ill help to train most of their sweetness.  You really can’t go wrong adding this to a dish.  This pepper is usually best during the August through October months.

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