Friday, March 14, 2014

The Failure of “Dieting”

All of us know people that have been on a diet, let alone the number of us that have been on a diet ourselves. For most of the population, diets do not work. It is has gained more and more momentum that diets are not the right way to go, but new research might indicate that dieting is an exceptionally bad choice for those that are obese.

There is a distinct signal that is transmitted from the stomach to the brain when people are full to tell people to stop eating. When people get obese that the signal does not work correctly. Even after people lose the weight they want to lose, it takes time for that signal to work properly, if it does, in fact, return to normal functionality.

In theory, people who are unhealthy are required to eat more food to feel the same level of fullness compare to someone that is healthy. This is why it can be incredibly hard for people to not feel hungry and actually find success in a yo-yo diet. The statistics show that anywhere from five to ten percent are successful with their diets over the long run.

The best way for people to find success in their weight loss is the slow, steady, consistent method. Lately, lifestyle changes are becoming more and more popular. By making healthy changes from unhealthy changes, people can change their signaling responses over time, so they start making healthy choices and decrease their response for hunger.

Yo-yo diets may provide some short term results, but it does not take long for the weight to come back on. Making long term healthy lifestyle changes are the best way to see long term success, though this can be a difficult change, there are professionals that make it easy to start getting results.
Photos Courtesy of

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