Saturday, July 25, 2015

Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS

Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS

NEW! Breakthrough Technology: Ketone Supplementation with Keto-OS
Very rarely does a new product come along that is truly revolutionary and has the ability to make a measurable and instant impact on your health, mental clarity, energy and more. That product has arrived, and I am SO excited to share it with you!
About five weeks ago, I partnered with a company called Pruvit. Together, we are very excited to announce the debut of a new product called Keto-OS. Keto-OS is an exogenous ketone (beta-hydroxybutyrate salts) supplement. Basically, this is a highly nutritional drink mix that instantly increases your ketones and induces a state of ketosis within the body.
Five weeks ago, I started drinking these therapeutic ketones. Hands down, this is the most effective and fastest acting supplement I have EVER put in my body. As most of you know,I have suffered with chronic shoulder inflammation, with some days being worse than others. Within a couple of days of taking these my pain is gone, and I can now bench press my body weight, because my shoulder pain does not hold me back from making gains in the weight room. Since taking these, my pain level keeps going down, my energy level is up (no 3pm crash) and my cravings for sweets is basically nonexistent. However, this product is NOT just helpful inflammation.
Third-party research has shown that being in the ketogenic zone can help provide relief from just about any chronic disease, including leaky guy, MS, Parkinson’s, cognitive issues, and muscle and joint pain.
Basically, this is what you can expect when you start taking Keto-OS:
Fast and sustained energy
Reduced brain fog
Increased brainpower
Increased focus
Weight loss
Appetite suppression
Strength gain
Better mood
Less inflammation/stiffness and joint pain
Better digestion and gut health
Clear skin
Pretty much everyone will experience improved health on this product. As you know, I would never promote a product that I don’t 100% believe in myself. I am very excited about sharing Keto-OS, and know that it can help many people find the health they dream of having.
At this time, Keto-OS is in VIP mode and only limited number of people are being invited to join. I want you to be one of those people!! 
If you want a chance to start feeling better asap, send me an email letting me know that you want in on this opportunity today!
I truly believe that Keto-OS is going to take the health and wellness industry by storm. Come join me as one of the first people to experience the benefits.
~Coach Steph
ps — For those of you research junkies (like me), here are some articles on the benefits of having ketones in the body….
High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Metabolic Disorders:

Monday, July 13, 2015

Metabolism: What It Is & How It Works

Everyone knows what metabolism is right?

There is an overwhelming amount of information floating around the web on metabolism, how it impacts weight loss and how you can improve yours. However, once you start reading, you realize that finding anything useful is more difficult than you imagined it would be. You have to wade through all the websites that only want to sell you something and the scientific information that, let’s face it, can sometimes be pretty tricky to understand.

The truth is that the word metabolism is thrown around a lot in the health and fitness world but most average Joes don’t have a clear understanding of what it is or how it works.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the culmination of physical and chemical processes that take place inside your body that keep you alive. It is how living cells are able to turn food into usable energy in order to perform all of the involuntary actions happening inside you right now.

Metabolism is measured by what is known as your metabolic rate. This is a measurement of the speed at which your body can burn calories and convert them into energy needed to complete basic functions such as breathing and growing.

How Does It Work?

Just like a car needs gas to run, your body needs fuel to survive. In basic terms, when you eat food your body digests it, breaking it down into fuel and waste. You discharge the unusable waste and convert the fuel into usable energy.

A large percentage of the calories that you ingest are used for automatic body functions that keep you alive. Some calories are burned during physical activity and anything left over is stored as fat.

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your metabolism. Those hormones are chemicals that send signals to your body dictating the rate at which to process the fuel that it has consumed and precisely what to do with the energy it provides. For that reason if your thyroid creates too much or too little of these necessary hormones it can cause you to burn calories at a faster or slower rate than normal.

What Factors Influence Your Metabolic Rate?

There are numerous contributing factors that impact the rate at which your particular body burns calories. Some of these things you can influence through your lifestyle choices and others are out of your hands.


Not everyone is created equally. Some people have a naturally high metabolism and no matter what they eat they never seem to gain a pound. In some cases this can be a result of an over production of hormones by the thyroid gland referred to as hyperthyroidism. On the other side of the coin, some individuals suffer from hypothyroidism creating less than the average amount of hormones. This can slow your metabolic rate causing you to burn calories slower and making it difficult to lose weight.


In general, your metabolism begins to slow down in your twenties and continues to progressively drop by a few percent every ten years. This means that it is typically more and more difficult to lose weight as you get older.


You can improve your metabolism by choosing to eat a balanced diet that is high in protein. It takes more energy for your body to process proteins therefore eating foods with a high protein concentration can raise your metabolism.

Some dietary components like caffeine and spicy foods can temporally boost your metabolism when ingested. This is why many diet pills on the market that claim to guarantee dramatic weight loss contain a high volume of caffeine.

Don’t overdo the dieting. Eating too little or waiting too long between meals can actually negatively affect your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Evidence suggests that consuming less than 1,200 calories per day can slow your metabolic rate and cause unwanted fat storage.


Physical activity or the lack thereof can greatly influence your metabolism. Individuals that exercise on a regular basis often have a lower body fat percentage and higher muscle volume than those who don’t. This is beneficial because in general, more muscle and less body fat equals higher metabolism. For that same reason men tend to have a faster metabolic rate than women because women typically have a higher body fat percentage.

There are several supplements available that claim to improve your metabolism and help you lose weight fast. While some of these products may produce results, they’re not typically the best option. While there are some factors you can’t control, the best way to keep your metabolic rate up is with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Source: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mediocracy is Not on the Agenda...How Does Your Trainer Train?

How does your Trainer train???  You really want to is a glimpse 

Simple – sacrifice and consistency, mediocracy is not on the agenda

On a daily basis I consistently sacrifice, because my health, strength, and mobility are ultimately more important to me than the other fluff with which people seem to fill their lives. I’m not saying that other people are wrong (I am really), but I know which I would rather be doing.

I don’t go out in the week for drinks or dinner. Not because I don’t want to, but because my evenings are full with family, food preparation, work preparation, and getting to bed at a reasonable time to have adequate sleep and recovery. This allows my body and mind to recharge, regroup and gets me ready for the day ahead and whatever it may entail.

I sacrifice the junk food, deep fried foods, sweets, and processed crap. Not because I don’t like it (I love it), but because I love myself, my body, and my physical and mental health more. I love the confidence and energy that looking and feeling good gives me. Average is shit, and it’s great to be better than the average.

I don’t miss training sessions. If something comes up and plans change, then the session gets rearranged, caught up, scaled down. It never gets cancelled!! Looking after your body isn’t a quick fix or an appointment, it’s a lifestyle. I never EVER miss the appointment.  Until people realize this, they will continue to miss the mark and fail to live up to their potential.

I disassociate myself from negative people and bad influences. I surround myself with positivity, healthy choices, and strong emotional and professional support structures. I engross myself in environments and situations that will challenge and further me. That is how I grow, gain strength, and continue to learn and make positive steps forward in my life.

The spare money or residual income I have gets reinvested into my family, business, education, or my training. I don’t buy gadgets, or purchase anything that won’t enhance my life or help me progress. Some will see this as strange or say I’m not enjoying life, but trust me I am. 

I haven’t talked about specific strength training, gym programs, or nutrition, and I don’t need to. They are the tiny cogs that form part of a much bigger machine. It’s the big things that count. When you get the big things right, the small things fall into place and you can’t help but progress and make gains in everything you do.

I can picture some people reading this and thinking that I’m denying myself the pleasures they have. I’m not denying myself. I choose not to participate in some things, as I want something more, something greater.

Some will think I’m being big headed and making myself out to be better than everyone else. I’m not; I’m just telling it as it is and sharing what I do. If you feel that way, then there’s probably some guilt at the way you lead your life.

Others will think I’m obsessive over the way I live my life and the choices I make. To those, all I would say is, “Obsessive is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.”