Friday, April 11, 2014

7 Reasons Why You Need a Meal Plan Coach

7 Reasons Why You Need a Meal Plan Coach

It is not uncommon for people to consider hiring a personal trainer to help reach their exercise goals, but what about nutritional goals? So many people believe one size fits all diets are going to work. We are inundated with diet plans every day whether from covers of magazines, television shows, or the multitude of books and websites that are available. The trouble is that these diets rarely produce the results people are looking for because nutritional plans need to be customized for each individual. Here are some of the top reasons that a meal plan coach is one the most valuable things you can do to lose weight.
1.     Accountability

When you have to meet with someone that you have spent money to meet with, you are far more likely to follow the plan that is laid out for you.

2.     Plan Just For You

There are different things that people want to do with their bodies. Some want to lose weight while others want to build muscle. The diet plans need to be different based on the goals of the client. Everyone has different schedules too and getting a meal plan that fits your schedule from when you work to when you workout, so the balance is just right for your life.

3.     The Right Calorie Balance

Generalized meal plans are based on generalizations about the daily caloric intake people should have. However, everyone is different. The right calorie intake is based on how active you are; your workout regimen, your type of job, and many other factors and each person will have a different need when it comes to daily caloric intake.

4.     Dietary Restrictions

There are many different restrictions that people have when it comes to diet. Whether it is glucose intolerance, milk intolerance, food allergies, or just food preferences. These things all matter when it comes to developing a meal plan and should all be taken into consideration when it comes developing a meal plan you can stick with.

5.     Life and Weight Loss Stage

As you lose weight or gain muscle, your dietary needs change over time. As you see more results, you need meal adjustments. There are many other factors like age, gender, ability to exercise that all need to be taken into consideration, as well.

6.     Encouragement and Discipline

When it comes to a diet plan, people are going to feel a wide range of emotions. You need someone in your corner to help you along the way. Whether you need encouragement to stay on track and not get bored or a kick in the rear to get motivated, a coach is checking in with you and providing support.

7.     Feeling Restricted

Diets have a way of making people feel like they are depriving you of the foods you like. This can lead to large cheats and failing because you feel restricted. A meal plan that is tailored to you can provide the foods you like and balance those feelings of deprivation. Generalized diets are not able to provide you with those same customizations that a coach can.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Red Bell Peppers Anyone?

Red bell peppers provides 140% of your RDA of vitamins A and C.  It’s also a good source of vitamins B6 and E. Talk about a powerful vitamin punch!  Another little plus, one red bell pepper has a whopping 30 calories.  Can you believe that’s all?stuffed peppers
This mighty super veggie has immune boost qualities, antioxidants, and helps to keep your skin soft, supple and youthful.  Let’s not forget that this awesome vegetable helps to lower bad cholesterol, manages diabetes, and can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Want more interesting red pepper facts?  It has a great tangy, yet sweet flavor that mixes well with salsas, dips, salads, omelets, stir-fry dishes, etc.  In fact, if you cook your red peppers on low heat for a short amount of time, it ill help to train most of their sweetness.  You really can’t go wrong adding this to a dish.  This pepper is usually best during the August through October months.