Monday, February 24, 2014

Athletic Eating at McDonalds??

The Sochi Winter Olympics have finally wrapped, but the theme is not quite over yet. McDonalds, one of the largest corporate sponsors of the games that took place in Vancouver in 2010, launched a new marketing campaign aimed at athletic eating.
The slogan that took over was, “Now, you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to eat like one.” Now, marketing campaigns among fast food restaurants have never been known for their complete transparency, but this one is particularly problematic for those that are looking for a healthy diet.
McDonald’s suggestion here is that Olympic athletes gained their success from a diet filled with Big Macs and French fries, but as any nutritionist knows, this is far from the truth. In fact, many Olympic athletes have gone on the record for adhering to a clean, organic diet to keep their bodies performing at top levels.
Do not let the advertisements fool you. While McDonalds, and many other fast food chains, have tried to promote healthy eating with alternatives like salads, fruit, and milk, these are not the foods that Olympic athletes are relying on to get their amazing bodies and strength.
Photos courtesy of

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