Monday, December 23, 2013


 Stairs offer an amazing workout.  They can help to develop Anaerobic Conditioning, Lower Body Strength, and Lower Body Power Development.  (Equipment needed: small DB’s and one strong body)
Dynamic track warm-up: 
Run the straights, walking lunges on the curves, then complete 5 inchworms
Workout #1
·       Walk up stairs while holding dumbbell’s overhead-walk down
·       Run stairs at a hard effort 1X-walk down
·       Squat side climb up (left side 1st) 1X-walk down
·       Squat side climb up (right side) 1x walk down
·       Run stairs at a hard effort 1X-walk down
·       20 (each leg) x Bench Switch Jumps.  Place one foot on the bench then push off and jump, switching legs in the air. Land with the starting leg on the ground and the other foot on the bench.
3 Minute Rest.  Repeat 4-6X’s
Workout #2
·       Stadium Side Squat Climb – SIDE 1.  Squat climbing up the stadium stairs. Make sure to keep your weight in your heels when squatting. Climb to the top doing one side only.-walk down
·       Stadium Side Squat Climb-SIDE 2-Repeat
·       Stair hops.  Quickly hop up each stair with both feet about shoulder width apart and then run/walk down the same set of stairs
·       Reverse lunges-right leg behind you and elevated on stair step.  Drive back leg down towards ground.  Chest Up.  15x’s each side
·       Run stairs at a hard effort 1X-walk down
3 Minute Rest.  Repeat 3-4X’s
Sometimes we forget to use our environment. As a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and certified fitness nutrition specialist, I often hear things like “I cannot get to a gym”, or “I don't have enough time”.  Sometimes we get consumed into thinking we need the latest sophisticated equipment to achieve our fitness objectives.

But in reality we already have the most high tech equipment available (Our mind and body). Take a look around you. Stadium stairs, a stairwell, a park, monkey bars, and the list go on and on. Forget about what you do not have and focus on what is right in front of you.  See you at the top!

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