Tuesday, February 24, 2015


 Great article written by my good friend, Lucho Crisalle

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, making up 60 percent of the amino acids in skeletal muscle. It is a true super nutrient! It increases growth hormone levels, encourages lean body mass, and promotes muscle growth. It supports brain function, immunity and intestinal cells. Athletes and bodybuilders choose Glutamine as it helps buffer lactic acid, which tires muscles and reduces performance. Those training for endurance sports often take Glutamine to reduce cramps caused through repetitive motion. Plus, glutamine actually helps you store muscle glycogen, the primary fuel source for intense exercise.  
And since this amino acid has a mildly sweet taste, and is readily absorbed from the intestinal tract, supplementation is easy and pleasant.
In a nutshell, the primary benefits of L-Glutamine have been found to be: 
  • prevention of muscle break down and support in fat loss (from increased muscle as well as increased production of human growth hormone) 
  • support of enterocytes (intestinal lining cells) through which all nutrients are absorbed
  • improved or increased immune system
  • clarity of thought and better muscle contractions as it is the amino acid found in highest concentration in spinal and cerebral fluid. 
So, what is L-Glutamine?
L-Glutamine is the most abundant “free” amino acid in the body, but it is considered a “non-essential amino acid” since it can be synthesized (made) in the body from glutamate. However, scientists have classified glutamine as a “conditionally essential” amino acid, because under certain conditions (such as severe stress), glutamine may be needed in much higher amounts.  Additionally, glutamine has been found in higher concentrations than other amino acids in vital tissues including the brain, intestinal mucosa cells, immune cells, and in skeletal and smooth muscle.
Technically, Glutamine acts as a nitrogen shuttle by picking up and dropping off nitrogen around the body.  Nitrogen is an essential component of DNA (the genetic material of life) and vital for muscle building. Glutamine also converts to alpha-ketoglutarate, an essential nutrient to create energy via the Krebs cycle.  
Safety & Side Effects 
More and more research continues to show significant results with the supplementation of L-Glutamine without negative side effects even up to 60g per day for the ultra-intense training athlete.
Recommended Dosing
L-Glutamine is recommended for intense training athletes, those subject to immune toxins or weak immune systems, and post surgery and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients.  Normal dosing ranges from 2g per day up to 60g per day. Optimal dosing is 5-10g per day in divided doses.  This is a perfect supplement for flu and cold season as well as year round.  
For increased GH release, take 10g L-Glutamine upon waking on an empty stomach, as well as before bed. It is also highly recommended to be taken pre and post workout.
With all the benefits glutamine offers, and available at a more than reasonable price, it only makes sense to make this one of your primary supplements.
Now you can build up your immune system and enhance your physical performance, all in one super supplement!
Glutamine and Skeletal Muscle
In muscle, the concentration of free glutamine appears to influence whether muscle will break down (low glutamine content) or build (high glutamine content). Athletes suffering from continuous fatigue have shown to have decreased blood glutamine concentrations that persist for extended periods of time. These decreased concentrations may hinder immune health and lead to slower recovery times following exercise and physical stress. Subjects supplementing with oral glutamine show elevated plasma concentrations of both glutamine and growth hormone, suggesting glutamine’s potential benefit in terms of body composition.
Additional Benefits of L-Glutamine
Glutamine is also a major contributor to proper functioning of the intestines. By serving as an energy source for these highly active cells, many studies have demonstrated the critical role of glutamine as the predominant fuel for intestinal epithelium and its vital action in maintaining intestinal structure and function in stress-related situations.
Patients recovering from strenuous physical activity have an increased demand for glutamine. This is probably the result of increased use by the immune system and the decreased integrity of the traumatized tissue. Following stressful physical demand, amino acids become vital for the healing process. Glutamine has proven to be essential during this time because the demand may exceed that which can be obtained from muscle stores.  A study at the Geisinger Medical Center noted that increased muscle breakdown following extreme physical activity was in part due to glutamine deficiency. From their observations the researchers concluded that glutamine supplementation will prevent muscle breakdown and enhance the healing process. Lastly, there is evidence showing glutamine to be helpful for alcohol addiction. In an early study, alcohol consumption was curbed slightly when 1,000mg of glutamine was administered orally.
Support for Immune Health
It is well understood that immune health is dependent on macrophages and lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells). Glutamine levels are very high in white blood cells, and in experimental cell cultures, lymphocytes were less efficient when glutamine was reduced. When glutamine was added to the culture medium, lymphocyte reproduction significantly rebounded to a normal rate. A further study showed that lowered glutamine concentrations reduced adequate immune health underscoring the importance of supplementation for individuals whose immune status is stressed by heavy physical activity. 
Support for Neurological Health
Because glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids in cerebrospinal fluid, it readily enters the brain where it can serve as a precursor to the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA and serotonin are vital neurotransmitters with various functions including enhanced sense of well being and calmness. In one study performed at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, researchers showed that glutamine supplementation helped to maintain amino-acid concentration in brain tissue, increased the uptake of tryptophan and enhanced synthesis of serotonin.
© 2012 Lucho Crisalle, CEO, Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Increase your Metabolism Naturally

The single most important thing to properly losing weight and increasing your energy levels is your metabolism, and this function tends to get a lot of attention these days. Your metabolism takes the nutrients you have consumed and converts them into energy, which is commonly referred to as “burning calories”. This energy producing process allows your body to prevent further weight gain. However, each person’s metabolism is different because of genetics, age, and gender, but do not let this prevent you from taking measures into your own hands that increase your metabolism naturally.

Strength Training to Build Lean Muscle
Strength training is often misconstrued as being the same as muscle bulking, but they have different intentions. Muscle bulking is where a person follows a high calorie diet with plenty of weight training. However, strength-training focuses on building your strength through lean muscle gains, which plays a role in your metabolism and overall health.
The reason is because muscle requires calories to exist and maintain themselves. Research shows that muscle requires 6 calories per pound a day for sustainment, while fat only requires 2 calories per pound. Your resting metabolic rate is constantly running even while you are asleep, so the muscle makes a difference in keeping the unwanted weight from sticking around.
During training, and the 2-3 hours afterwards, your body’s metabolism is at an all-time high depending on the intensity of your workout. The harder you train and elevate your heart rate, the faster your metabolism pumps away and burns calories. Increase your intensity to reap the max benefits, but do not over train and injure yourself.

Stay Hydrate with Water
Your body requires the daily amount necessary in order for you to simply survive with a healthy body, and your metabolism needs this water in order to process the calories being taken in. Studies have shown that an average adult who drank up to 8 (8 ounce) bottles of water has seen a higher number of calories burned opposed to those who drank only 4 (8 ounce) bottles. Even being the slightest bit dehydrated can slow your metabolism down, so drink water throughout the day and prior to a meal. Fruits and veggies are also good choices for hydrating since they naturally have water in them.

Moderate Consumption of Spicy Foods and Caffeine
Spicy foods have a way with your body, and are capable of increasing your metabolism naturally with the use of thermogenic properties (cayenne, chili powder and cinnamon) Supplements used for weight loss repeatedly contain ingredients such as chili extract, and the reason is because this kind of food heats your body up, which causes your metabolism to increase for a short period of time. So that warm sensation you have been feeling from eating spicy foods is actually your body starting to burn more calories.
Caffeine from green tea and black coffee actually has great benefits when consumed moderately. Caffeine naturally increases your energy levels by making your heart pump blood faster, which as mentioned leads to a heightened state in your metabolism. Both drinks are easy to consume, but do not excessively drink too many cups a day or the outcome is not just an increased metabolism.
While you cannot overcome things like aging or genetics, you can and boost your metabolism and have a healthy lifestyle. It just depends on how you choose to diet and exercise.


Smith, Michael W., Dr. "Slideshow: 10 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism to Burn Calories and Lose Weight." WebMD. WebMD, 19 Aug. 2013. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.