Friday, September 12, 2014

The Ins and Outs of Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is something many people hear about or see other people doing, but many do not realize the benefits that it has when done correctly.  This technique for muscle relaxation is not a new “fad”. In fact, athletes, coaches, physical therapists, chiropractors, and many other fitness enthusiasts have been using foam rollers for decades. But now, this recovery method has really started to show up in mainstream gyms and personal training.

What to Know About Trigger Points and Tightness
Anyone that has been to a physical therapist, acupuncturist or chiropractor may have heard of trigger points and muscle release as therapies to help with muscle tightness. The foam roller allows you to get this muscle tightness under control yourself by putting pressure on trigger points, the muscle locations that cause tightness and pain, as well as help recovery post-workout.

Often times, people refer to trigger points as knots. When they knots have pressure applied, pain will often move to other locations of the body. For instance, it is not uncommon to have a knot in the shoulder area that causes pain in the neck or a knot in the back that causes pain down the leg.
Foam rolling often gets a bad reputation because when you work on these trigger points with a foam roller, it can be painful. The pain should be uncomfortable but not something that you cannot handle. However, the benefit comes when you are done. The pain should be dramatically better and the muscles loose once you have rolled.

Muscle tightness and knots can happen for many reasons. Sometimes it is related to muscle training like lifting weights because you are putting your body under a lot of strain. Other things like inflexibility, poor posture, repetitive movements, lack of movement like sitting at a desk all day, nutrition and hydration habits, stress and sleep can all cause problems for muscles. Our bodies are made to compensate for what we are putting them through, but that does not mean that we are able to recover quickly.

What Foam Rolling Can Do For You
Foam rolling is self-massage. When muscles are knotted or tight, tiny areas of scar tissue form in the muscle layers. When muscles are in healthy, normal working states, they are soft, supple, and pliable. But, when we put them under stress, they tighten up and cause tears and hard spots in the tissues. The pressure of massage and foam rolling allows these hard spots to break up and elongate the muscle back to a normal, healthy state. Our bodies can recover on their own, but sometimes they need a little help to get the job done.

Proper Foam Rolling Technique
As with any exercise, technique is important to protect the body from harm.
·       You want to remember to apply light to medium pressure. It should be uncomfortable, but not unbearable. This pressure is applied to specific muscles or groups using your own bodyweight.
·       Roll slowly to allow the muscle the ability to lengthen. Think of rolling out dough. Pain should subside within no longer than 30 seconds.
·       When areas are painful, relax as much as possible to fully allow the muscle to get the blood flow it needs. Tightening up counteracts the rolling process.
·       Wait a day or two before rolling the same area again.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar

Can Apple Cider Vinegar aid in Weight Loss?

The Value of Apple Cider Vinegar
When you think about it, it makes sense to drink apple cider vinegar prior to any meal for the promotion of weight loss. Apples are an excellent source of pectin, and when you include pectin in your diet, it will make you feel as though you are fuller and a general feeling of being satisfied. Your appetite can be suppressed similarly because apple cider vinegar contains the same amount of pectin that is contained apples.
More effective than eating raw apples, there is good science behind why apple cider vinegar encourages even more weight loss. Generally, the acid will help to aid digestion of proteins, which, for some hormones, are the building blocks, especially the growth hormone. When it comes to breaking down fat cells, this hormone is instrumental. When the level of acid that is present in the stomach is increased prior to a meal, you will make sure digestion is thorough as well as increasing the hormone synthesis for protein availability.
Digestion is stimulated by apple cider vinegar, and the duration of time that fats remain in the digestive tract is reduced. Conditions that contribute to diarrhea could be life-threatening, so it is important to make sure that your body removes the key nutrients from the food you eat. Food that remains in the intestines for too long can also be unhealthy. Fats that are present too long during the digestion process will cause more absorption of fats.
The Bodily Breakdown
Just like fire is essential for burning in a fireplace, oxygen is essential to burn energy. Apple cider vinegar is very supportive for weight loss because it has the ability to increase the utilization of iron and energy consumption in the body. When the body absorbs iron, it uses oxygen and consumes energy, increasing your metabolism to enhance weight loss.
Another excellent source of potassium is apples. Additionally, apple cider vinegar when taken regularly can contribute to your body’s level of potassium and help you maintain a balance of sodium. If possible, you should attempt use apple cider vinegar as a replacement for salt in your diet. You can use it on foods you would normally add salt to like proteins or vegetables. In most of the foods you eat, salt is often present and enhances the flavors for fat. Salt tempts you to eat more foods that are high in fat content and additionally it increases the water weight that is carried. Some of these foods are pastries, fatty meats, French fries, or meat substitutes.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Take 2 tsp before each meal